63 goals and 79 assists since 2011

Juan Mata has generated 142 goals during his six seasons in England. A number that is higher than Silva’s, Callejón, Koke, Cazorla, Isco or Iniesta. During that period, Diego Costa has produced 147 goals.

Some stats might have different interpretations. Others, nevertheless, are so explicit that they don’t need comments. Juan Mata has been achieving star numbers since several years ago, and you get to realize it when you compare his stats with other players.

Since 2011, when he got to the Premier League, until today, has scored 63 goals and given 79 assists. Click To Tweet So he has generated 142 goals for Chelsea and Manchester United, his teams during this period. In the same years, Silva has participated in 116 goals, Callejón in 112, Koke in 96, Cazorla 91, Isco 86, Iniesta 85 and Thiago 49.

Those 142 goals are spectacular numbers for a player who isn’t a striker. In fact, Diego Costa, one of the best strikers in the world, has generated 147 goals thanks to his 108 goals and 39 assists since 2011. He has only produced 5 more goals than Juan. His consistency has made him become a reference at United, a club that after winning the Community Shield, aspires to have a wonderful year.

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