Exciting book signing by Juan Mata in Manchester

Juan Mata spent almost three hours last Friday signing copies of ‘Suddenly a footballer’, his book, to more than 200 people who popped in at Waterstones Deansgate bookstore in Manchester to be with the Asturian footballer. The act was expected to last less, but no one was left without Juan signature or with a brief talk, who verified in person the affectionate reception his work is having.

Juan arrived at 4 pm to one of the most famous bookstores in the north of England, where people were queuing since noon. All of them with at least one copy of ‘Suddenly a footballer’ under the arm, although many also asked the Manchester United player to sign them t-shirts and posters and boots… It was a simple but emotional act in which Juan received the readers’ first opinions and shared impressions with all of them.

The book, edited by Reach Sport, has been well received at all levels. More than an autobiography, it is a personal review of his career that Juan uses as an ‘excuse’ to deal with issues such as family, sacrifice, decision making, passion for what you do… There are also surprising anecdotes and many teachings for young athletes. Because, as you can read on the back cover, “football is not just played with the feet but with the head.”